Meal Prepping 101 Save Money, Time, and Lose weight!

by - Friday, May 23, 2014

HI THERE! I know I've been super mia, but for good reasons! I am working hard myself to become a better person where I can feel comfortable and happy so with those goals... I want to lose a good amount of weight, get my life situated, move out and have a better job! With all those goals I have to keep myself busy and hopefully when I reach them I can blog and do more videos and actually feel confident in doing so! I always had a struggle within myself and this journey is really helping me. I feel great and lost up to 20 lbs! I am doing a low carb high protein/fat diet and I tell you this is great stuff! I hope you will consider meal prepping since it will benefit you so much in the long run!

Here is an in depth video how I meal prep, cook, what I use and etc for a healthier life! I hope you will give it a shot and see how easy it is! Even if you dont like cooking... there are  a lot of great choices out there in the frozen section hehe! pre-cooked meats for zero fuss and your body will thank you for the good stuff you putting in! Not going to lie... I was a crazy carb eater and ate out almost everyday... But once you take out all the bad stuff you will notice you skin, mood, and health will totally change and im hooked onto eating right! Not to mention adding in some squats and what not for that healthy bum!

I hope you will give it a try! Sorry I am turning into a food blog more than anything else haha! I want to be diverse! But we will see! I have a lot of hauls and what not to show you guys! I am also into couponing, but im not sure if you all wanna see that! But I do have some videos I need to work on just life is pretty hectic! I hope you are doing well and have a great weekend! I will be back soon guys dont worry!

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