Hello again! Welcome 2013

by - Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hello lovely reader its been awhile I know I know! I always tell myself I'm going to blog, but it just never pulls through just so very busy and I am slacking on my youtube videos as well! But this year... I want to make it my year! 2013 will be my year and I am going to make many changes in my life for the better! I dont want any negativity in my life anymore I want to start fresh! I want to be healthier and have an amazing body for the summer! I am 25 now so I need to start taking better care of myself hehe!  Ill start doing vlogs more on weight loss and project healthy hahaha!

Onto the haul shall we? I think I have been very good with shopping less! Need to save up for cali and what not hehe! but I did splurge a little for myself on my birthday hehe! Have you heard of lime crime? I always see pics on tumblr and I FINALLY got my hands on a few products! I am in love with the packaging and its animal cruelty free? and a vegan product how awesome is that? I wanted the velvet gloss for a long ass time but they are always sold out and restocking takes forever... but im happy with what I got and excited to try! also got me some setting mist that is on sale at urbandecay.com and got two haha! I also got spoiled on my birthday and got money and a hookah! ah its so beautiful!!!! 

Speaking of birthday... I also got a Monroe piercing! HEHE I've always wanted one and now I finally got it! Didn't hurt as much as I thought it would be but I'm excited for it to heal and get a cute gem or something! I am on a soup diet also since I cant really eat anything haha! chicken congee ftw!

Any who! Everyone! I hope you all will witness everything I have in store for 2013! Lets all do our best! WOOOOOOOT WOOOOT!

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