Me as of late.
SooooOooOooo what is up with me? I am still working a lousy job, but the money is decent. I just wish asian ppl in that industry wasnt so rude or judgmental? I honestly can say... I dread going into work with one of my managers, but I try my hardest to do well and be nice to ppl around me bc... Life shouldnt be about putting ppl down or treating them like shit. Treat others the way you want to be treated is what I go by in life and so far... I am doing fine.
Ive been obsessing with growing things or making things with my two hands lately. I love all the plants that Ive collected through the months! Air plants are so neat! But I dont understand why they are so freaking expensive! I went through a succulent phase, but those are actually pretty hard to maintain when you only have one window in your room haha! I wanted to keep it on my makeup table, but ive notice they started to die... Soo pricey too! So I made a little haven in front of my window... I was suppose to build my ikea chair and have a cute set up, but I am such a procrastinator... I have a bed side table that still needs to be assembled and a couple of drawers to make... LOL I honestly need a man in my life to do those type of things... doing stuff by myself takes FOREVER!!!!
I have been shopping lots lately... Mostly at daiso... WHICH IS A BLESSING THAT THEY FINALLY CAME TO DALLAS!!!!! I went to daiso in seattle and that was like 5 years ago, but I flipped out and bought so much from there! The dallas location is fairly large and have a variety of items to pick from for $1.50 - $3 which is pretty awesome. I need to do a room tour soon just have to sort through this messy room... CRYING
Here is my most recent haul video for last month! If you missed out on it of course haha! Memebox and sephora is bomb as always hehe! I will be back to u in a bit! theres a few videos im working on and I downloaded better video editing stuff so yeah... I will do better with my videos! Thanks for staying with me for so long xoxo