Had an amazing weekend!
HELLO EVERYONE! hope you guys had a fabulous weekend! i sure did! i was attending akon for the whole weekend selling my cute deco! that is why ive been m.i.a and staying up till 4 in the am making stuff sob! but i had tons of fun and meeting old friends and new ones! so many fans came up to me i was like OMGGGGG hehehehehehe! i met a lot of pretty girls omg kill me! but yes yes yes onto the show? i tried to dress up gyaru and wear my korilakkuma pj's to bring more customers to the table but boy oh boy was it hot in that thing... died multiple times....
sooo here is my booth! i shared it with my friend christian who is an amazing artist! i bought a few of her art for my sister but forgot it in my suitcase and didnt get the chance to go through the stuff yet but isnt it cute!? im so glad we had all the decorations or i doubt we would of had good business since we were stuck in the faaaaar back! dang u akon staff u suck times a million...
HAHAHAHA like my swagger?! i wore this to hmart too and got all these old ladies giving me candy and squeezing my cheeks wth?? LOL and i think if u look cute girls shall come! hahaha
sorry for the face my friend kept taking bad photos... i am also wearing a wig so it added to the infernal heat of the pj's...
like my haulage?! we bought so much rilakkuma and korilakkuma stuff i think it rounded up to 600 something? LMAO OH MY LORD~ shit we do for cute things....
also bought cute pins i think i want to buy a machine and make some for next year or afest hehe! my friend said the duck looking one looks like me idk why... my lashes and lips? eh? i love adventure time omg... and i also bought san-x ones too but again in the suitcase lol.
so i had a lot of girls come up to my table like it kinda surprised me how lovely and sweet they are especially sara! we talked on blogger on how i was going and how she wanted to go so i didnt really expect her to come so i was so surprised! and shes so adorable and sweet in person! she got me these cute cute cute present in a sephora bag? HAHA! it was so cuuute! i love lush! im going to make her and anzfalcon a cuuute cuuute cuuute love package soon haha!
so after much success and starving for three days we decided to go eat korean at omis omg i was so full!!! it was so yummy tooo!!!!!!!! after that we went and took purikura hehe should so make a gal cir foreals.... i met so many gyarus at akon too!!! talked about lashes and makeup! LOVED IT!
and here is pics of my hair! its two toned dark brown and a light ash blonde love it?! so high maintenance omg... so hard to put extentions in too! and a lot of ppl kept thinking my hair was a wig LOL " oh girl your wig looks nice" and im like.... oh no girl... this is all real! LOL! and this japanese band that was there.... i dont know anything about them but my friends did anyways she asked me to take their pictures with them and one of the guys came closer to me and said, " you cute japanese gal!" i was like beyond dying... my friend was like big eyed at me HAHAHA! all i was on cloud nine the whole day... i had a lot of fun for the weekend! though i couldnt really enjoy it since i worked the booth i did have fun and i will attend afest so please visit me and say hi! i really do enjoy making friends and omg we can go out and eat boba or take purikuras!