trying to be productive!
lol smiley face ;D hehe hello ladiesss so it was a pretty good morning? manage to do a lot of vids for my channel! excited! right before work too! went in around 2? so yeah lots of stuff to edit! i wish i was art student thing to get those photoshop programs for cheap... BLAH! maybe i should ask my friend if i can use her id? but yeah today was pretty boringggg i hope tomorow would be more fun? i get to open the salon tomorow... wahooo... and after that babysit? which is fine haha i love my witto cousins and miss them! so yeah! going to vegas in october and seattle in dec? i have to save up mad money! i lost money in vegas i believe... shopping and gamblin is not a good combination??! and seattle has a variety of things and maybe asian beauty products that ive been oh so longing to buy! hehe.