a whole lot of bronzer

by - Friday, October 03, 2008

wow... i atempted to do the gyaru to the max! i did a casual gyaru makeup er... just the eyes... i used cargo's bronzer all over my face, neck and chest haha its so dark!

i bought alot of sephora stuff yesterday! loads of lashes and their HUGE bronzer disk! it was only 18 bucks which is... an amazing price! but anywho... im starting to get back into japanese fashion ^0^ two years ago i did the whole harajuku thanggg haha loads of colorful jewelery and such... and goin through all my pics... haha bring back memories! i think over the years... style wise... i think i came along way! soo i guess here is a timeline!
hmmm... i guess... theres not alot of diff... T_T i have a pudgey face i knowww hehe my hair and i guess my style been through alot? i use to wear hair extentions! the and i use to be a blonde... dunno where my blonde pics are ><;; but yup! i think i came along way! in jr high... i was into the adidas and the fang hair... u kno what im talking about? have ur hair parted in the middle, two strands of hair and ur hair up? YEAH! GHETTO! those were... the... bad days hehe
oh yes... i entered myself into a japanese makeup contest! took forever to do! bronzed the crap out of my face! but i had fun hehe
alrighty gotta get ready for work! closing..... weeeee >_<

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