i love usher and how some of his music totally plays in to my drama life i have ;p keeding but goodness oh how i love him! heheh so summer is here! fantabulous haul? new me? ive been tanning like a mofo! spray tanning that is? i go out to the lake every week almost so i try to soak up as much sun as i can hehe i was like scared to get darker for some reason... not a pretty dark, but like an ashy ugly dark grey tint? no ma'am that is not cute! ill be snow white in the winter and gyaru cougar in the summer! my hair is getting longer, im working on the tan, losing weight, i feel like a new person! not all sad and gloomy anymore! i like a new saying "on to the next one" lately? and its been a pretty good one for awhile now haha ill just keep the good ones in my life and skip the bad ones.
so haulage much? im so glad some of the stores i shop at have floral prints! and the cute little hats? im obsessed with them now! i use to not since my noggin is so freakn big... but they made some to fit my big ol head of mine! mixture of clothing from forever21, rue21, hot topic, and sam moon! i love sam moon for the accessories! hot topic is kinda close to like some japanese fashion i suppose? they have tons of hello kitty thats for sure! i saw a cute hat one time that looked like a teddy bear... i should of bought it! LOL but yes summer in tx = hot as hell and sticky! so i love dresses! i have a ton! hahaha! jewelery i dont really wear much since my skin reacts to fake material? but i like rings a lot and necklaces i wear sometimes, but i had to have the paris necklace! it was too cute to pass up!
next haul is mixture of places in dallas! u ladies know how i love my hmart hahaha! i love going to the cosmetic store and get lashes! and masks! i like how my face feels afterwards! aaaaamazing much? i also go to asia world market that has a bomb ass crepe store with a cute old man there that tells cute stories hahaha but theres a nice store in there that carries bb creams, masks, kate something cosmetics? just lots there! but i deslike the lady that works there with a passion? she thought i stole from her? when i just misplaced the mascara in the wrong spot so she always like next to me breathing down my neck sigh.... asians.... i buy so much from her and she does that still? LOL i dont like ppl in my space when im trying to shop.... but anywho yeah its a nice store mmm also went to saigon tepei? sorry if i spelt wrong but there is a gift shop that sells cosmetics and they had paul and joe! but i didnt buy any since... idk i have so much as is.... collection is redonkulous! but i found the black face scrub miss pam did a review on? and i do enjoy it very much! all in all these are my fave asian products!
i am bling queen around these parts! LOL! i pretty much have obsession with blinging out shiz since high school days! i finally got around to doing my camera! i had that protective white film around it and it was looking yuck so i blinged it out pink of course! i also did my nails too! for a-kon convention! i went as a gyaru of course! the pic i have up there was what i wore hehehe and a fellow blogger girl recognized me ther?! i was like speechless! and later i found out i was following her blog hahah its small world! she had a booth and had the cutest shit ever! but i was hella nervous and went on my merry way! i like looking at ppl in costume even the brave girls that dont have tone bodies go out in like... skimpy little things... iiiii solute u! hahah! but yesh i will get to editing the eye look soon! i have nail tut done though? progressing in a good steady way!
woo more surprises later? been buying lots of craft stuff and i have some great news for next post! since... i cant find my camera usb cord! LOL! have a great week loves!