freakn cute! i still need to do my ipod and my ohhh haha i got new phone from sprint? 54 bucks! and i LOVE IT! its way better than sidekick... can do a lot more plus go on youtube and stuff like that? make my own bg and ringtones *heart* also bought a pink hard shell for it so i bought more deco from my favorite yuki! she provides amazing amazing deco stuff that i need! bf getting a black berry too so we can match ;D plus he will let me bling it out? =0 i should... make it pink eh? wahahahha but i wanna see if strapya has any cute couple phone charms hehe im so sucker for those types of stuff! so yeah deco craze! anime convention is coming up and well i dont really care for it much mmm use to like anime when i was in high school, but the booths there??? poeple sell like stuff they make and im like geeez i can do that! one girl... is a friends cousin and she made like 4k during the summer?!?!?! she travels to other conventions as well and i thought that soundsss sooo funnn! doing what you love and travel omgeeeeeee
anywhoooo sooo my skin is so dry i cant wear foundation as much? maybe if i slab it on with hella moisturizer! i decided to get laura mercier hydration primer and tinted moisturizer and i have to say my skin looks a lot better! no scaleyness or patchy skinnnn *heartheart* and people at work notices it too! so its two big thumbs up with this purchase! and so far i am loving my dior hydrating lineeeee! i think ill switch out my kinerase for dior cleansing milk and toner :] plus i love the name... dior so ahuuuuh lovely pwahaha
went to victoria store and they had all these sales going on i was like gahhh i dont needdd but i couldnt stay away LOL i bought some pink stuff just to put in room and make it more pretty :D and some other stuff for cousin! her gift is getting bigger and bigger hahah love ittt smells like candyyy
hehehe so if you have a blackberry curve or whatever here is my bg! ill share whatever i have heheh and omgee im like getting all geeky on the bb forum?! you can buy some stuff to make bb even better?! in a good place right now... goood place... i wish i can find a place that sells fake chanel like logo i wanna put that on there too? i see so many girls with necklaces and earings i just want that damn logo! but idk if i wanna spend a lot on that? maybe ill try sam moon and see what cute stuff they have tomorow! mmm i just bought phone charms off strapya.com for me and bf to have matching stuff lool and a lil more for mine to look alot more girlie? i cant wait to deco out my phoneeeeee boughht a hard pink case for it so now im just collecting stuff :]